Recent Blogs
Michael Fairhurst's Blog
by Michael Fairhurst,
31 January, 2007
Okay, so just checkin' up on the site guys! Well, no, that's a lie, I actually want to kinda brag/share something. Okay, so when my dad is composing, I very... [more]
Marissa Levien's Blog
by Marissa Levien,
30 January, 2007
Thanks to Andrew Cole for offering to get me an interview with George Nigh. No worries- the paper didn't need to be that in depth. I'm not even sure if my ac... [more]
Blog for Sword in the Stone OF ACTION!
by Nathan Fairhurst,
30 January, 2007
Here's another bit of Trivia: On Pow's Cloning Device Computer the text reads: > Reprogram > Delete Arthur DNA > Calibrate for Victor ........Estimating Ribo... [more]
Blog for Sword in the Stone OF ACTION!
by Jon Fairhurst,
29 January, 2007
Hey! Webisode 2 is up! Okay, here are two Colonel Crush trivia questions for this 'sode: 1) What does the women's choir sing during the Hail Britannia them... [more]
Jon Fairhurst's Blog
by Jon Fairhurst,
29 January, 2007
The music for CC3 Webisode 2 is DONE!!! It's really cool too... The first part is similar to the music I did for the trailer. The second part uses Pow's! s... [more]
Michael Fairhurst's Blog
by Michael Fairhurst,
29 January, 2007
Wazzup guys? Hozit goin'? Okay, so I've played flute for four years now, and I play guitar, have since December last year (although that was bass until the ... [more]
Blog for Reach - Day 1
by Matt Thogerson,
28 January, 2007
Personally I have difficulty with speaking. So there. I thought the voice over was hard. Because, as you all know, English is my second language. - Matt Thogerson
Blog for Reach - Day 1
by Michael Fairhurst,
27 January, 2007
Oh come on, it wasn't that hard, was it guys?! No, I was there for the entire filming process (take that jeff) and the hardest part was the puppeteering. B... [more]
Jon Fairhurst's Blog
by Jon Fairhurst,
26 January, 2007
Well... I'm composing the music for CC3 Webisode 2 and it's almost scary how easy the tempos are lining up. Sometimes you start making music in 4/4 time, an... [more]
Nathan Fairhurst's Blog
by Nathan Fairhurst,
26 January, 2007
Hey everyone, so I've been pretty busy with school and been sleeping at odd hours to throw my life off track, so things are going more slowly than I'd like, ... [more]